To See Is To Know in Coeur d’Alene ID

To See Is To Know in Coeur d'Alene ID

Chiropractic Coeur d'Alene ID To See Is To Know

A cornerstone component of the Gonstead System of Chiropractic in Coeur D'Alene ID is to VISUALIZE a person’s spinal health. One of my favorite questions to ask on the first few visits goes like, “when was the last time you were in a gown to get adjusted?” Tongue in cheek, we already know the answer if they have never been to a Gonstead office before. But WHY is it so vital to the clinician and how does it add to the care provided? To jump to the conclusion, FINDING the subluxation is the primary role of serving a patient well. The capacity and ability to see the spine provides more clues to where the subluxation exists.

Assist The Body Back To Health In Coeur D'Alene ID

The skeletal system is always adapting to the forces placed upon it. By way of the innate intelligence, it commands and dictates the function of the body based on its present structure. The phrase “Function follows Form” is sufficient. For instance, when someone has been a UPS truck loader for many years, the structure adapts to the forces placed on it (Wolff’s Law). In the office we would expect to SEE pelvic un-leveling and winging of the scapula due to repetitive rotational forces. Noticing biomechanical changes can help the Chiropractor assist the body back to health.

Can You See The Changes?

Changes in the physical skin also occur where a subluxation is present. When someone has a relatively acute or recent injury, we would expect to SEE edema or swelling around a joint. A normal physiological response to injury includes warmth, spasm, swelling, sweating, increased acne/blemishes, edema, hair pattern changes and color changes in the skin. It would be REALLY hard to SEE these changes when getting adjusted with a sweatshirt on. The opposite is true with chronic or long-standing subluxations. Over time the body fails to adapt due to the decreased production in nerve function. These changes around a chronic subluxation would include cooler skin, bogginess, flaccidity in the muscles, pitting edema, decreased skin secretions which leads to dry skin.

Adjusting a subluxation becomes secondary to FINDING the subluxation. Anyone can “pop” a joint. But is it the correct vertebrae placing undue stress on the nerve system? The Gonstead Doctor always takes Visualization into account to deliver the most unique and specific correction your body desires. When you take the guess work out, you can expect miracles.

7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

HomeTown Family Chiropractic

291 E Appleway Ave #101
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

(208) 261-2206